The IUD has become popular among women of all age groups. It is convenient, highly reliable, long term and easily reversible. It is also much cheaper per month than the pill/nuva ring/ortho Évra path
On the other hand, it requires a doctor for placement and for removal
The placement preparation is the same for all IUD’s
- Best to come in during your periods*; generally easier to insert and thereby less painful
- Take a ibuprofen**, 30-60 minutes before your appointment
- In select cases, as decided by your medical provider, you may have to insert cytotec tablets in your vagina the night before your consultation.
With the hormonal IUD you can generally expect:
- An 80% chance of having no periods. If you have a period, you can expect them to be light and unpredictable
- They last from 3-10years***
- They may cause acne and or headaches
- High satisfaction rates
These are:
- Mirena
- Jaydess
- Kyleena
- Levosert
With the non-hormonal IUD, you can generally expect:
- Regular but slightly heavier periods; 1-2 days longer than your normal periods.
These are:
- Mithra flex 300
- Mithra Load 375
- Mithra Sert 380
- Mithra T 380
- Intrauterine ball IUB
- Gynefix 200 IUD
- Gynefix 330 IUD
*it can also be placed outside of your periods, this can be discussed with your medical provider
**ibuprofen should be taken on a full stomach. If contraindicated then consider acetaminophen
***jaydess is approved for 3 years, mithra T for 10 years, the rest are for 5 years